This year, MWHC is opening the AGM minutes too all for public review.

MHWC 2024 AGM Minutes

Milton Hundred Wargames Club Committee

  • Chairman: David Mustill

  • Secretary: Steve Thomas (Absent)

  • Treasurer: Rob Cooper

  • Member’s Representative: Simon Warren

Item 1 - DM brought the meeting to order and thanked those present for attending. The opening address was very positive, with record attendance for the club and the Broadside show at the forefront, leaving the club in a very healthy position. 

Item 2 - RC presented the club accounts, which show that the club is slightly in profit again this year. The club is still not generating enough income on its own to cover the hall hire fees (which have increased this year), but the additional income from Broadside covers the shortfall and more. 

Item 3 - Election to current committee posts. All nominees listed.

  • Chairman : David Mustill 

  • Secretary : Steve Thomas 

  • Treasurer : Nigel Swinney 

  • Member's Representative : Simon Warren 

All committee posts were seconded and duly voted on. All four nominations were unanimously carried.

Item 4 - Issues for discussion 

Club issues. The general organisation of the club (costs, fees, days/times) were agreed by all to be satisfactory. The club would need approximately 42 members at the current fees to break even, however the committee decided not to increase fees this year due to the additional income from Broadside. This will be reviewed on a yearly basis. 
It was decided that in the new year some changes would be made to club nights. Attendees will be required to register on arrival, and any fees owed (casual members) should be paid at that point. This will provide a list of members present for subs checks and fire regulations.
All subscription payments should be paid at the start of the relevant period (yearly, quarterly, or by alternative arrangement).
It was decided, upon agreement from the hall trustees, that MHWC would buy a number of tables to supplement the hall complement, as there have been several occasions where all the hall tables were in use, leaving none spare in case of late arrivals. 
The committee suggested that an overhaul of the club terrain assets was in order. Club members agreed, and suggested engaging with members who own 3d printers to produce new items, with subsidies from club funds. DM also proposed organising a larger storage space at the club hall. 

Quartermaster Post. Member Ergo Fargo proposed the addition of a Quartermaster to organise club assets. After a discussion it was decided not to appoint a member on the day, but a vote was taken to establish the position, and unanimously carried. 
It was decided to make the position a non committee post for the time being, with a yearly review on the arrangement. The committee will establish a description for the position and look for volunteers, with the aim of putting a member in the position by January 2025. It was also suggested that the club could employ a social media/website administrator as another non-committee post. This is more difficult due to the nature of the club website, and the Facebook and Instagram accounts being organised through different members. Member Shaun McCann suggested that he could run the club website for a lot less than the current arrangements. While the site fees are paid up until September 2025, the committee agreed that SM should talk to ST (current website manager) about a transfer to a cheaper provider next year, with SM taking control of the site.

Broadside. The committee thanks all club members who helped out at Broadside 2024. Special mention was made of Ergo Fargo, for his contribution to the organisation of the parking areas. A vote was taken and carried to continue with running the annual event. While DM would like to move the date in the calendar in future years, the show is booked for June 14th 2025. The committee looks forward to the show, and encourages as many members as possible to join in and help out.

Our Other Events. The committee thanks all members who joined in with the Medway Gaming Festival and RE-Play events. Special mention was made of Nigel Swinney for organising MGF. It was agreed that we should run both events again next year, if the external organisers keep putting them on. 

Complaints Procedure. We need to clarify how we deal with complaints against members. To this end, the committee will put a new constitution in place, detailing members rights, which should include an official complaints procedure. The Committee would like this in place by January 2025. 

MHWC at Events. It was generally agreed that MHWC should continue to run games at external events. This is reliant on the support of members, who need to volunteer to help/put on games. Currently the only WG event is Cavalier, which we will be supporting. There is the possibility of running games at the Battles Through History and Military Odyssey shows, and the RAF Museum annual show, although this may clash with RE-Play. We will also be running games at Kent Scouts Christmas Fayre, which may lead to new opportunities within the Scouting Organisation. The committee thanks Mike Kirkham-Ingram for organising the evening session at the Seashells community group. It has been agreed that we should purchase a new club banner, and possibly a second one for the use of Sheppey Models at events MHWC are unable to attend.

Christmas Games. Several suggestions were made for larger scale games for multiple players on December 18th, and the club will supply refreshments on the night. 

Club shirts. It was agreed that we should purchase fleece jackets for club members to use at events in colder months, on the suggestion of member Andy King. Jackets will be purchased in blue, to complement the yellow club shirts. After an initial test purchase the committee will decide whether to buy individual jackets for members, or keep a few communal ones for general use.

DM brought the meeting to a close, and thanked all attendees for their contributions.

A Little from Leofwine, September 22

And just like that, Summer was gone… Once again it’s been a busy month for the club and for myself, but it looks like we have all our ducks in a row and it’s a case of marching them to their destinations.

First up will be the SELWG Wargames Show at the Lee Valley Sports Centre on Sunday October 16th, where we will be playing Steve’s “Surfin’ RVN” Vietnam river landing game using the Charlie Don’t Surf rules. Having had our first play through last week it looks like being a fun game, with plenty to look at and some engaging gameplay. We’re just putting the finishing touches to the terrain and it’s ready to roll! The new venue for SELWG (despite being in North London rather than the SE of the name…) is excellent, big and bright, with plenty of parking, and a nice large bring-and-buy area. Let’s hope people catch on quickly that it’s there and it can get back to the popular show it always was before lockdown.

Next up in October will be our AGM on the 22nd, a chance for club members to voice their opinions about club policy, and to have a say in how the club and Broadside are run. Could be a bit of a change in the air as our Treasurer may be stepping down to make way for some new blood on the committee. Need to get the agenda ready early to make sure we don’t miss anything. As a small reward for our members' loyalty and patience we run a gaming session after the meeting, plans are afoot for larger and longer-than-usual wargames than we can fit in on a club night. Expect pictures straight after!

The next couple of shows are in November, and neither are conventional. Uncon (literally the “Unconventional convention”) is a board game show taking place in Sandwich on the Kent coast over two days, and there is a Comics and Gaming Con taking place at Detling Showground which we have a few tables at. All the better to draw new faces to Broadside… More on these next month, suffice to say we may need extra volunteers to man the stands.

As for the club itself it’s been mostly business as usual at Kemsley, with World War 2, Medieval gaming, Vietnam war, and board games still popular. The playtest for Company Commander is going well, the developers are reacting to our players' suggestions as they post them, and it really feels like all their games are making a difference to this project. Hope lots of people get to play it soon, I think it’s a quality product! We have had a few games of Dungeons and Dragons running over the past month, a bit of an experiment, but a successful one. People are enjoying the games and we have had a number of new members sign up because of it! Can’t argue with that. It looked for a while as if the interest in D & D might swamp the club, as so many people seemed to be up for it, but it’s settled at a good level and the balance of games on Tuesday nights is still good and varied.

Guess that’s it for another month, except to say that we already have the flyers for Broadside 2023 so expect to see the advertising operation go into full swing very soon!

Leofwine Wargamerson

A Little From Leofwine - August ‘22

It’s been a while, so I thought it might be good to get the website and social media going again with a bit of a diary entry about what’s going on at the club. Hopefully it might spur a few others on to doing some similar “in the works” articles… Looming large over the list as always is Broadside. We had our most successful (best attended) show so far in June, a triumph considering circumstances surrounding physical events over the last two years! After 15 months of almost continual show organising (Rapture 2021, Broadside 2021 and 2022, Medway Gaming and Creative Festival) I was looking forward to a bit of time off until October when it starts all over again for next year… Unfortunately with the Medway show in July and wrapping up after Broadside it hasn’t really worked out that way. It’s been a less stressful couple of months, but now there are club arrangements to be made.

We have three events coming up this year, as well as the MHWC AGM to organise. Next up is the SELWG Show on Sunday October 16th at Lee Valley Sports Centre. Glad these guys got their show back on track last year, the Crystal Palace event was always one of our favourites, and the new venue suits the show perfectly. Look forward to this one growing over the next few years. In November there is a new Comics and Gaming Festival at the Detling Showground. These hybrid shows seem to be the next big thing, and people with lots of money to set them up will be making a tidy pile back from them. I think the “Gaming “ in the title refers to consoles, but we have a table to represent tabletop and it sounds like there are more there to keep us company. It’s a great opportunity to advertise Broadside to people who might not otherwise notice us! Lastly there is the always excellent Uncon making it’s return in Broadstairs over the weekend of the 19th and 20th. It’s a board games event, but we have been invited along to run some wargames, I’m thinking we can combine the two…

Organising the AGM is proving difficult. There is a distinct lack of accessible/available halls in Sittingbourne, and it seems even when I find one that getting a reply to an email or message is not guaranteed. I’m looking around on the fringes of the Milton Hundred, and while there are a few options they are still not ideal. Something will come up, but it’s annoying and time consuming until it does!

As far as actual gaming goes, we are all quite excited by the arrival of Lion Rampant 2nd Ed. Not sure how many copies made their way to the club, but I think all the LR players had one. Big thanks to Andy for distributing them, and to Tony at Brigade Models for ordering for us. Not a big difference in the rules, but there’s plenty of new and updated info in the book. Expect much Mediaeval and Dark Ages gaming in the weeks ahead. We will also be playing Charlie Don’t Surf, a set of Vietnam Rules from the Too Fat Lardies, in preparation for the SELWG game. We have played a few times now, and are working on the scenery for the river attack scenario we are using on the day.

The other big gaming news is that we are helping out with a playtest of a new World War Two system called “Company Commander” from Victrix, a tabletop game run entirely from a phone app! I’m sure traditionalists will be recoiling in horror about now, but I am all for the use of modern technology in tabletop games. It could well be the future of gaming as we know it, and at least it could be a good way of getting young people into the hobby. Reception has been very good so far amongst club members who have played it, expect more on this one soon.

Reckon that’s enough for now, hoping to make this a regular thing and to be back this time next month… Leofwine Wargamerson

DBMM240 Tournament

Estonians at the Guildford 1-day DBMM240 tournament

By Club Member Lawrence

This year, the Guildford tournament, organised by Ray Briggs, was set in the late medieval period, (armies from 1321-1515 AD). This period is usually dominated by longbowmen, dismounted knights and Swiss pikemen so I looked for an army that would have an advangtage over all of them. I didn't have one, but my club (Milton Hundred Wargames Club) has an Estonian DBA army. If I expanded that out to 240 AP it would have enough warband to roll over (nearly) any infantry army I was likely to meet. I was able to muster enough troops by pressing into service the Slavic auxiliaries from my Khazar army (and a few Russian woodsmen loaned by my regular opponent Dave Mather) as fast warband, some superior warband from my teammate Jon Smith, an assortment of other troops from my medieval collection, plus some log barricades scratch-built for the purpose. A few stratagems made up the points (well, nearly).

Log barricades - Lawrence Greaves.jpg

After minutes of exhaustive design and development, the army ended up as:

CinC with 6 nobles (mounted Warband(Superior)), 6 warriors (Warband(Fast)) and 4 skirmishing archers (Psiloi (Ordinary))
Subgeneral with 18 warriors and 4 archers (Bow(Inferior))
Subgeneral with 9 warriors, 3 Russian crossbowmen (Bow(Ordinary)), 1 artillery (superior), 2 boats and 3 log barricades.
Army baggage: 3 carts (Baggage (Inferior))
Stratagems: Ambush and Guides.
The whole army (apart from the artillery) is irregular and the generals are all mounted superior warband (same as the nobles).

Game 1: Tim Child using Morean Byzantine with a Venetian ally.

I invaded Byzantine territory so it was appropriate that we were playing on the prototype Travel Terrain “semi-arid” terrain cloth (Production version now available from ). The terrain ended up with a difficult hill on each end of Tim's half of the table and a built up area (BUA) forward right in my half.

Tim deployed a command of 3 knights and 10 psiloi opposite my right, 3 knights and 2 light horse in the centre and 6 light horse, 3 inferior cavalry, 3 auxilia and 3 psiloi on the left. There were some bowmen lurking around, but they mostly kept out of danger.This wasn't what I had been hoping for at all. The numerous light foot would outflank me through the BUA and the light horse would outflank me in the open while the knights would ride me down in the centre. On the positive side, the inferior cavalry would be vulnerable to my archers if I could get to them. I deployed the two subgenerals forward and the C-in-C behind and wide with a view to protecting both flanks.

g1a - Lawrence Greaves.jpg

The game progressed more or less as expected on the right and centre, although a couple of Venetian light horse got involved in a fight against my inferior bowmen in the centre. The left was more interesting as the Byzantine light horse initially had to retreat out of the field of fire of the artillery, which gave me a chance to send the crossbowmen towards the inferior cavalry. However, they were intercepted en route by the Byzantine auxiliaries.

g1b - Lawrence Greaves.jpg

The Byzantine auxiliaries were themselves then intercepted by some of the C-in-C's warband and then caught in the rear by one of the subgenerals' warband that had advanced rapidly and then doubled back. Eventually the Byzantine light horse arrived from its long march behind the hill and engaged my flank guards, but luckily for me didn't kill enough to win the game by the time limit. I had lost nearly 30% of the army and had two commands disheartened. I had killed only 4 or 5 elements. A losing draw got me 2 points in Ray's scoring system.

g1c - Lawrence Greaves.jpg

Game 2: John Fry using Catalan Company.

Another army with a combination of knights, light horse and infantry that could fight my warband (in this case Catalan almughavars graded as superior auxilia).

He invaded, which gave me a chance to place my new Travel Terrain DBMM200 sea as a lake on the right hand side of the table. Other significant terrain was two boggy areas next to the lake and a large marsh that was somewhat left of centre. John deployed first, almughavars near the lake, knights and Turkish light horse in the open centre, psiloi and more almughavars facing the marsh and some cavalry positioned to move around the marsh onto my left flank. I put the C-in-C next to the lake, warband/bow command in the centre and the artillery etc command to the rear, mainly positioned to oppose the outflanking threat on the left, but with the boats on the lake. The first photo is part way through the Catalan first turn.

g2a - Lawrence Greaves.jpg

Both of us advanced. Initially the knights didn't get into combat, but the Turks did and so did the two commands next to the lake. There, the Catalan C-in-C decided to fight in the front rank and soon found himself pursuing ahead of his troops and getting surrounded. However, he fought off all attacks from whatever direction, including troops landing from the boats. The Catalan cavalry rapidly advanced down the flank, but after that their general was busy controlling his infantry in the marsh, which I was contesting, so the cavalry never moved again.

g2b - Lawrence Greaves.jpg

In the foot versus mounted fight in the centre we were both losing casualties, but the Catalans didn't have much depth and soon gaps opened up that I could exploit. Near the lake, my superior warband nobles, backed up by the warriors, had a slight edge over the almughavars. And eventually broke them, but I didn't manage to finish off the mounted command and I think I had one command disheartened. A winning draw for 3 points to me.

Game 3: Mike Pickering with Malay

Not a good match-up for me as his superior warband would rip through most of my army with impunity. Only my nobles could fight them on even terms and his elephants would stomp all over them. He would also potentially outnumber me in psiloi which might allow him to control any difficult terrain, although my warriors would stand a decent chance against them.

I defended and was able to get a wood and a built up area left and right of the centre of the table. I had brought trees and huts to garnish the fabric terrain, but in the heat of the moment forgot to put them out. There were also three boggy areas, but only one played any part (in front of the wood).

I deployed the command with the artillery next to the wood with most of its warband in ambush in the wood. The CinC's command was mostly next to the built up area with a few elements ready to move into it. I put the warriors in front to break up the expected elephants, the nobles in reserve. In the centre was the other subgeneral with his archers in front of his warriors, intended to shoot up any elephants in that zone.

Mike deployed two commands of mostly superior warband between the two terrain pieces and hardly any elephants. These commands also had some mostly inferior psiloi both in the boggy ground opposite the wood and on the edge of the BUA. A small Ming Chinese ally was at the rear (3 cavalry including the general, one blade and an inferior artillery).

g3a - Lawrence Greaves.jpg

I initially advanced into the BUA and held the centre back because they would not be able to stand up against what was in front of them. I moved the central archers into a column next to the artillery with a view to expanding them into the open area to the flank of the enemy warband. The first party of ambushers revealed themselves and started advancing towards the enemy psiloi. They were a long way back so it would be some time before they arrived. The Malayans also advanced, cautiously towards the wood, more aggressively into the BUA. However, the Ming Chinese ally proved unreliable and steadfastly refused to do anything. I moved the central archers into a column next to the artillery with a view to expanding them into the open area to the flank of the enemy warband. In the next two turns my central command rolled a 1 for PIPs so the archers couldn't expand and the warband had to advance, bringing on the central engagement much earlier than I had intended. On the plus side, I eliminated nearly all the Malayan psiloi in the BUA and the second wave of ambushers, combined with the first, plus a couple of elements that leapt over the log barricades to join in gave me superiority of numbers against the psiloi in the bog.

g3b - Lawrence Greaves.jpg

The heavy casualties inflicted on my centre by the superior warband were enough to convince the Chinese that they were on the winning side and it would be safe to join in. The moved their artillery up to where it could shoot at me. I continued to win on the flanks, but the game was decided in the centre where I was almost completely wiped out. Complete defeat with no significant damage done to the enemy so it was zero points for me.

My total of 5 points was enough to keep me out of last place, but not enough to push my team into 3rd despite the valiant efforts of Jon Smith (11 points) and Chris Jones (8).

Overall, the Estonian army offers some, shall we say, “interesting challenges” to the player, not least that the warriors want to go forward while the artillery and troops defending the fortifications don't, as well as the rapid rate at which the fast warband warriors die once they get into combat. In all my games there were things I could do, even if I didn't do them very well. I think there is a reasonable army in there, but it might take a lot of games seeing how things play out to find it. It will be 6 years before the same period comes round again in this competition, so by then I might have it developed into a finely honed killing machine with all my own figures.

Many thanks to Ray for organising the tournament, my opponents and all those who lent me figures, especially MHWC who provided the nucleus of the army. Don't miss our convention, “Broadside”, 14th of June 2020.

Broadside flyer 2020 - Lawrence Greaves.jpg